Electronic Voting

The SWMMBA Board is committed to performing free and fair elections. The Operations Guide for the organization calls for elections on even numbered years in September. The SWMMBA Board determines the date of elections and will provide a place to vote in-person so long as meetings of the entire Membership in-person, and indoors are feasible and legal. Regardless of the feasibility of an in-person election meeting, the SWMMBA Board will provide electronic means of voting. Notification of electronic ballots will be provided in August alongside the date of election; these will be provided by email in the normal means utilized by the SWMMBA Board to communicate with the Membership. As per the bylaws of SWMMBA, write-in candidates are not accepted; all candidates must be interviewed by the Nominations Committee a minimum of 6mo in advance of voting. The SWMMBA Nominations Committee may put additional prerequisites on all candidates for the ballot, for example, 2022 Candidates were required to attend all Executive Board Meetings between March and September of 2022.

To ensure you are able to vote electronically, be sure to add admin@southwestmontanamba.org and outreach@southwestmontanamba.org to your address book and ensure it arrives in your “Primary” inbox.

For the purposes of voting, a minimum number of eligible votes is required to ensure a legitimate election. Those members eligible for voting will be determined by the SWMMBA Governance Committee utilizing data collected from the Membership regarding email reading, opening, and engagement with SWMMBA emails. The minimum number of eligible votes cast will be a percentage of those eligible voting members as determined by the Governance Committee.

Should you have any questions about our election process, please email our Board President: president@southwestmontanamba.org

2022 Board Election

Please add: invitations@mail.electionbuddy.com to your address book and ensure it shows up in your “Primary” inbox.

Members will receive ballots from Election Buddy by email and by text message. One (1) reminder will be sent prior to polling closing at 6:00pm MT on September 21st. Votes must be cast prior to polls closing. The minimum viable vote for the 2022 Board of Directors Election is 150 votes as determined by the Governance Committee and approved by the SWMMBA Board of Directors.