Southwest Singletrack: Weekly Conditions Report - 4/16/21


As we move into the second half of April, conditions haven’t changed much since our last report, but that’s to be expected. Traditionally, we are not riding dry singletrack until May, which is why Copper City is such an awesome addition to our options here in southwest Montana. Temperatures actually dipped this week, with some snow returning to the mountains and not much strong sunshine, meaning muddy trails around town didn’t have much chance to dry, either.

Having said that, there are pretty of miles to ride responsibly as we head into the weekend. Here’s our weekly report, brought to you again by our friends at Freshies Cafe. From now until Memorial Day, Freshies is donating $1 of every Mud Mocha drink they sell to help raise awareness around spring mountain-biking etiquette and the importance of being patient as trails continue to dry. Head over to their shop this weekend for a pre-ride pick-me-up and thank them for supporting trails.

Copper City - Open for business, except Destroying Angel

95% of the trails out at Copper City are good to go, with the exception of Destroying Angel, which is having a hard time drying out with the cloudy weather. Give it one more dry week while you ride the rest of the system.

This weekend, come visit us at our tent next to the Green Eagle trailhead, where we’ll have coffee from Freshies, beer from Bridger Brewing, and SWMMBA merch from Tuscola Branding. We’ll be on hand Saturday and Sunday, 11am - 3pm, conditions permitting.

Lewis & Clark - Mostly good to go, but slow down!

Last we heard Lewis & Clark was 99% dry, with just a few muddy spots down along the creek. We also got some not-so-cool reports of folks speeding through blind corners. Lewis & Clark is a shared-use system, so please slow down in blind spots, and yield to hikers.

We will be doing some trail work out there this weekend, so stop by and say hi if you see us Saturday morning. If you’d like to help with work in the future, register as a volunteer by signing this waiver.

Pipestone - Excellent option

Pipestone is always fun and getting lost in the maze of trails out there is a springtime right of passage. If route-finding isn’t your thing, bring a friend who knows the way. Expect lots of moto folks as the weather looks great for the weekend.

Town Trails - Almost there

Town trails are finally clear of snow, but the tread is still soft in places and they could use another dry week. We haven’t gotten around to checking on them since Tuesday, however, so if you find dry conditions, please let us know!

West Side Bridgers - Still winter

The Bridgers are looking more wintry the longer spring goes—classic Montana. Again, we really shouldn’t expect to ride these trails until early May at the soonest, so it’s no surprise things aren’t ready yet.

Gallatin Foothills - Weeks away

We’ve gotten a lot of questions about trails in the Gallatin Foothills, but we’re still not close. Snow remains almost to the residential areas below Triple Tree and Leverich, so we can imagine the singletrack is pretty well buried.

Dirt Roads - Still where it’s at

The best riding you’ll find outside of Copper City is our local dirt roads. Grab a paper map and take a chance on a route—odds are you’ll be met with stunning scenery, solitude, and lots of miles to get your legs into shape. Happy hunting!

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